Saturday, June 23, 2012

Galema New Sketch

A watercolor sketch of Galema. Project put on hold. I just cant decide her hair color. But i think she looks nice in her white/gray hair.


The Zombie Series

A few months back, i created this set of vector illustrated zombies. There are still 2 zombies waiting to be vectored. Will post soon! They look like really cool stickers so i printed them and gave it to some of my friends. It made good feedbacks! So, im gonna probably sell them over at Society6!


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Skull Princess

Hello everyone! This is my second wordpress blog. I left the old one so hopefully this will be my main wordpress illustration blog! I have a blogspot. But im leaving it for awhile. The lame reason is that, i got bored there. :D
I hope i can keep this up all the time! Wish me luck!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Recent Sketches

I havent been drinking coffee for 2 weeks but today. I really think i need to sit down on my desk too often. What do you think? I need to improve my  productivity so i can put these up on my portfolio site soon. I have another 2 sketches on the way which made me a little bit excited since those two are way too old already and needs to be re-sketched and be done so Galema will come to life.

 I should drink a lot of water too. 
Today is a nice day.
It's breezy... 
with heavy dark clouds.
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